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Headers and footers

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  • #219483

    [email protected]

    Hello team! after update i had a problem that AJAX was not loading for add to cart buttons, elementor header and footer builder was causing conflict! but footers was beatiful..

    at the moment i have a huge headache with footers:
    1. default footer – is not looking good, usually i am not using it. – topic closed.
    2. elementor header and footer biulder blocks ajax scripts – disabled, or waiting for fix..
    3. woodmart footer is disabled, there is option to place shortcode. it looks good, but i cannot disable footer margins, with default margins it looks terrible 🙁 – how?
    3. elementor template footer – is causing more problems – site with default layout is not showing woodmart headers.. :(, or it brakes default woodmart store layout.
    or, If i exclude woocommerce form elementor footer list, that elementor pages are not showing woodmart header. 🙁

    do you have a suggestion for me how to get good looking footers and functionality at once?. 🙂
    best regards
    happy, but confused client.


    Artem Temos


    If you are using Elementor footer builder then you have to create the header with Elementor too. It is the way Elemnetor works with all themes since it erases all theme’s headers and footer completely.
    The best way is to create an HTML block with Elementor and place it to our theme’s footer. If you need to remove some spacings, just send us a screenshot and we will provide you with a solution.

    Kind Regards


    [email protected]

    Thank you! i managed to use default footer + HTML elementor shortcode + basic css to reduce margins.


    Artem Temos

    You are welcome! We have moved your new request to another topic.

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