Hello team! after update i had a problem that AJAX was not loading for add to cart buttons, elementor header and footer builder was causing conflict! but footers was beatiful..
at the moment i have a huge headache with footers:
1. default footer – is not looking good, usually i am not using it. – topic closed.
2. elementor header and footer biulder blocks ajax scripts – disabled, or waiting for fix..
3. woodmart footer is disabled, there is option to place shortcode. it looks good, but i cannot disable footer margins, with default margins it looks terrible 🙁 – how?
3. elementor template footer – is causing more problems – site with default layout is not showing woodmart headers.. :(, or it brakes default woodmart store layout.
or, If i exclude woocommerce form elementor footer list, that elementor pages are not showing woodmart header. 🙁
do you have a suggestion for me how to get good looking footers and functionality at once?. 🙂
best regards
happy, but confused client.