Home Forums WoodMart support forum Hello, I cannot display the filter of my e-commerce on my home page for my produ

Hello, I cannot display the filter of my e-commerce on my home page for my produ

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  • #576067


    Hello, I cannot display the filter of my e-commerce on my home page for my products, on the computer version it works, however impossible on mobile, can you help me please?

    Have a good day

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Kindly, please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check this concern on your Site and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.



    Hello, here they are:



    Sorry to say that your given login details are not working, please share the correct login details of your site. So I will further check on your site and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.



    Voici :



    Sorry again, your given login details are not working, please share the correct login details of your site. So I will further check on your site and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards.

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