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hide tooltips in product grid (hover cart icon)

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  • #171948


    Is there any possibility to deactivate/hide those tooltips as shown in the attached photo?

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    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    We can hide with custom CSS, now I am checking the way to hide only these tooltips. We need a little bit more time, I will get back very soon.

    Best Regards



    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom JS On document ready:

    jQuery('.woodmart-products-holder .woodmart-add-btn').tooltip('destroy');
    jQuery(document).on('pjax:end', function () {
    	jQuery('.woodmart-products-holder .woodmart-add-btn').tooltip('destroy');

    This code would remove the tooltips from the shopping cart.

    Best Regards


    Maria Olivo

    Hi, i tried this for the add to cart icon and swatch size and works great, but i want to extend it to the wishlist button. I was trying something like this but didn´t work.

    jQuery('.woodmart-products-holder .woodmart-add-btn, .woodmart-products-holder .woodmart-wishlist-btn, .woodmart-products-holder .woodmart-swatch').tooltip('destroy');
    jQuery(document).on('pjax:end', function () {
    	jQuery('.woodmart-products-holder .woodmart-add-btn, .woodmart-products-holder .woodmart-wishlist-btn, .woodmart-products-holder .woodmart-swatch').tooltip('destroy');

    Please, can you test it and fix it.



    Please use this selector: .woodmart-products-holder .woodmart-wishlist-btn a

    Best Regards


    Maria Olivo

    Excellent! it works just perfect. Thanks


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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