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Hot spots help

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  • #101911


    Hello and thanks again for the amazing theme!

    I want to create an educational page with pictures with hot spots.
    I would like to create a kind of bar to be placed at the top of the image. And once the user clicks a button on the bar he will get a different picture with new hotspots.

    I’d love to know if this is possible with the tools of the template, and if so what?

    Thank you.



    We have Image Hotspot element http://prntscr.com/m7c4n7

    Here is the demo https://woodmart.xtemos.com/image-hotspot/

    You can insert either a product or a text have a look https://gyazo.com/71fa237591b46f9505929209322a8e30

    Best Regards



    Thank you for the information.
    I’m currently using your hotspot element, its great.

    My question is how to create this bar that the viewer will be able to change pic throw him like in the link I added in the previous message.

    Im adding my website for you to review.
    Thank you so much for support.



    This feature is not clear that the viewer will be able to change pic throw him like in the link I added in the previous message.

    I am checking the sample you have provided. There are menu hotspots with the text. You can do the same with our element.

    Please describe step by step what should happen when a user clicks or hovers the spot.

    Best Regards



    Sorry for the unclear explanation.

    I’m adding a more detailed screenshot.
    Its all good with the Hotspot element, I want to create a Bar Menu like in the added file.

    Hope it will be more clear now and you may able to help.
    Thank you.

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    Unfortunately, there is no option to assign a menu like on your sample.

    Best Regards

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