Home Forums WoodMart support forum How can i add multiple tabs on product detail and Read More tag on Content page?

How can i add multiple tabs on product detail and Read More tag on Content page?

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  • #125240


    I need a help regarding these two
    1) I want to add additional multiple tabs for different product on product detail page.How can i do it? please see help 1# in attached screenshot.
    2) I want ‘Read more’ tag for long descriptions in information box. when i am inserting read more tag from settings i can see it but its not working. please see help 2# in attached screenshot.
    kindly reply on these topics.

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    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    The default Woocommerce does not provide such an option and our theme does not either. You will have to find a plugin.

    Not clear your question # 2. Please describe step by step what you want to get finally? Perhaps we will be able to suggest a wayout.

    Best Regards

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