Home Forums WoodMart support forum How can I hide Sticky Navigation when i put the menu button on header

How can I hide Sticky Navigation when i put the menu button on header

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  • #446263



    Thanks for creating sticky navigation feature, i see it so useful, but please help me change a little bit.

    I want to put the menu button on header and i want the menu appeare like side panel menu on hover or click, and then it would be disappear when click close button or not hover on (beside available feature)

    It will look like this site panel menu of this link below

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    The Sticky Navigation under the new Mega Electronics Demo works on Hover by default as you can confirm from our Test Site too: https://blackpearlspro.com/woodmart_support/

    So, we didn’t get in this regard that you mentioned. Could you please elaborate further and also please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details too so that we can further check this directly on your Site too.

    Best Regards.



    Hi, i want to make a hambuger menu for my site, because my niche is fashion so i don’t want to sticky the side menu, how can we do that with woodmart, the demo link is below, thanks




    If you don’t want to have the Sticky Navigation of the new Mega Electronics Demo on your Site then you can navigate to the Dashboard > Theme Settings > General > Sticky navigation > there you can remove the Menu selected there: https://snipboard.io/20slDU.jpg

    After removing the Menu Sticky navigation will get hidden from the Site.

    Further, to have the Mobile Toggle Menu for the Desktop views too, you need to edit your current Header Layout under the Dashboard > WoodMart > Header Builder. There you need to add the Mobile Menu element there: https://snipboard.io/h8a1GP.jpg

    This is how you can achieve what you mentioned.

    Best Regards.



    This is Arya
    Also i have same problem with sticky navigation.
    But (i dont wanna Hide it) i wanna see it only after click on navigation menu on my header menu
    like Amazon



    : Sorry to say but right now the Sticky Navigation works on Hover by default. Further, if you want to try the alternative way you can follow-up the earlier Topic conversation (if needed).

    Hope you can understand !

    Best Regards.

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