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How can I resolve the following issues?

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  • #574297

    1. Mobile menu is not working

    2. The home page slide first displays a grey background before the images start displaying. How do I correct it?

    3. How to make my home page product images the same sizes

    4. how to create html-blocks with Elementor

    5. I could not edit my footer page

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    Hung Pham

    Hi meloriaswimandfashion,

    To assist you in the best possible manner, I kindly ask that you please provide me temporary wp-admin info (wp-admin URL, username, password) to the Private Content area, this will allow me to thoroughly investigate and address your concerns more efficiently.



    This is the info. You already have it


    Hung Pham

    Hi meloriaswimandfashion,

    Would you mind if I deactivate extra plugins for testing? Please confirm me back.



    Please go ahead and dissable.


    Hung Pham

    Hi meloriaswimandfashion,

    Thanks for your confirmation.

    First of all, I’m really sorry have taken long time to reply you due to the weekend.

    1. Mobile menu is not working

    It caused by Elementor Header & Footer Builder plugin, I disabled it and it worked again.

    2. The home page slide first displays a grey background before the images start displaying. How do I correct it?

    I deactivated and reactivate all plugins, it worked again.

    3. How to make my home page product images the same sizes

    You are using image heights are not same. I kindly recommend you preparing images you want before uploading them to your media library using the graphic editor (Photoshop or any other) to have a nice-looking grid.

    For the Product Archive page, please navigate to Theme Settings > Product archives -> Products styles, here you can enable Even product grid for desktop option to align products if they have different height components.

    You can enable it for specific devices as well https://prnt.sc/ASt5z0mmasuz

    Please refer to article for more details https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/image-size-and-content-alignment-in-a-product-grid/

    4. how to create html-blocks with Elementor

    5. I could not edit my footer page

    You need to enable Elementor for other post types https://elementor.com/help/does-elementor-work-with-posts-and-custom-post-types


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)