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How do i change the design of a slider ?

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  • #79120



    I would like to change the slider design on my website where do i need to go to change the design?

    Also is there a way of turning the slider off?



    First of all, enter the editing mode of the page where the Slider Revolution displayed. Check which one is used as shown here: http://prntscr.com/isshej

    Then find this slider in the Slider Revolution plugin as shown: http://prntscr.com/issi0h

    Delete the Slider element from the page to disable it, if you want you can disable the plugin as well.

    Best Regards



    Thanks for your reply. Can you also tell me how I can delete the brown categories section on the left of the page under my account section? If you go to LOGIN/REGSISTER you can see it there. When you click on it it does nothing



    Do you know how to delete the ad that pops up at the top of the screen that says
    “Choose a product worth over $200 and save 20%” ?



    how I can delete the brown categories section on the left of the page under my account section?

    Please navigate to Woodmart > Header builder http://prntscr.com/iyd2pe

    Choose the proper header type (your current) http://prntscr.com/iyd333

    Delete Categories element. Please note, that Categories would disappear from all the pages. It is not possible to delete from one page and leave on another as this is the part of the Header.

    how to delete the ad that pops up at the top of the screen that says

    Navigate to the Theme Settings > Shop > Header banner > disable

    Best Regards

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