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How Do I Resize The Images In The 5 Image Category Gallery Section

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    I hired a developer to add 3 new images to the theme’s 5 Category Gallery section on my homepage, but now there are 3 different sizes for images in that section. The “Hair Accessories” & “Eyewear” images are the only 2 images that were setup previously, and would be the correct sizes for that area, the other 3 images are new. Should the bigger image & the other 4 smaller images be cropped or resized to particular number sizes? I would like your help on this as soon as possible. Thanks.



    The only way to correct the view of the categories is to upload two last images of the same size and proportion as the second and the third images: https://gyazo.com/92e2a2688ee28a3813942dcab3d38287

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards




    The 5 image category gallery feature is a theme feature. I don’t know the exact size of the small images and how to resize them so they could fit evenly. If I cropped them manually then the images will not be the same exact widths and heights, not to mention taking up a lot of time trying to redo them over and over again. I hired a developer to fix the images in that area, but he doesn’t know what the dimensions are, or how to resize the images for that gallery section. Since this feature was setup on the theme’s demo site, do you know what the dimensions for the images in that gallery section? It just doesn’t make sense for the theme to have this feature, then not at least make known what the dimensions should be. Please take a look at the demo version from the theme from the screenshot and the link. Thanks.


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    This is Masonry Grid with the first big image, it is necessary to have one big square image and another image must be also square twice smaller.

    The Masonry Grid does not have any options to configure the size of the image, the view is achieved by the image sizes only.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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