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How i can upload the demo

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  • #81780


    I installed the theme but didn’t get the demo. Please let me know how can i get the demo of the theme.



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    1. Navigate to Appearance > Install Plugins > Install and activate all.

    2. Start Woocommersce wizard

    3. Navigate to Woodmart > Base Import > Upload Base demo and then choose the one you like http://prntscr.com/l4185k

    Best Regards



    I have uploaded the demo from base import but now issue with images and CSS.


    Please check this URL, you easily understand what is the problem. The image and CSS did not appear properly.



    Our dummy content data is developed in the way that prevents your website from being populated with a lot of unnecessary data (like tons of images, pages, and products) because they are not really useful for you. And it may take a while to delete it when you start creating your own content.

    NOTE that all stock photos are not included in the theme package (as was stated on our ThemeForest item description page). Also, pages from Shop, for example, are actually all the same but with different settings. You can combine all types of shop pages via Theme Settings -> Shop.

    What is wrong with CSS?

    Best Regards

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