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How to achieve Small Categories on Shop page like one of your Demo page.

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  • #386832


    Hello Luke,

    Quick Questions:

    1. How to have Small categories menu on Shop page, like the one showing in one of your Demo pages, here

    This is what I meant by and looking for –

    Is it possible to achieve that without custom Layouts section. Please let me know.
    In either case, can you please suggest how to do that.

    Below is how it currently looks on our site-



    Luke Nielsen


    Yep, you can achieve that via presets. First of all, create a preset and navigate to Theme Settings -> Product archive -> Page title -> disable the “Shop title” option.


    After that, set the small “Page title size” and remove the background image.


    Also, enable the “Shop opt without title” styles in Theme Settings -> Performance -> CSS.


    The result will be the same as in our demo.


    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    Thank you for explaining step-by-step and with relevant screenshots. Much appreciable. Really helpful. Will try and let you know.

    (Screenshot below for 2,3 and 4)
    2. How to remove the text “Price” that is shown below Price filter (before price range)
    3. How to change font styles of Price range using Advance Typography. Does it require custom selector.
    Or else a pre-selector is already there.

    4. Cart icon is missing on Live Site, while after updating the theme to 6.5 or 6.5.2 version.
    Even though it is still there in Header Builder that is currently active on Live site.

    Screenshot for reference for points 2-4


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    2. Unfortunately, there is no way to hide only the “Price:” text because it is bound with the range.

    3. Here is a custom selector for changing range price.

    .archive .widget_price_filter .price_label .from, .archive .widget_price_filter .price_label .to

    4. Please, enable the “Safe SVG” plugin for the proper work of this icon.


    Keep me informed of any issues.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    2. Unfortunately, there is no way to hide only the “Price:” text because it is bound with the range.

    I don’t think, it should be like that. Many other themes have already come up with so many improvements.
    Even New themes have such basic features and accomplish many such tasks.
    It can be seen from below image that Price text is Not shown in the filter area of Shop in this theme-

    Shop page URL – https://bit.ly/3umQzjc
    From this one – https://bit.ly/3IaeY1a

    It should be allowed to remove the text Price or should be Auto-removed by default. As it makes No-sense. Because, the Title of the Price Filter already displays this text, as well as Price Range is sufficient for customers to understand. <br>
    Other than that, one another Logical point and our main reason is, when we use 2 digit (after decimal) to display using currency converter, then the To Price part of the Price range Wraps down in the 2nd line.
    And that looks very awkward, as can be seen from below-

    1. Regarding this, you suggested –

    First of all, create a preset and navigate to Theme Settings -> Product archive -> Page title -> disable the “Shop title” option…

    I think this is incomplete or lacks something.
    I mean, do I need to create some sort of RULE also with some condition.
    Without that, how can theme understand for which area, page, post we are referring to and setting other things.
    Please correct me If I am wrong.


    Please, enable the “Safe SVG” plugin for the proper work of this icon…

    Can I ask why it requires after already uploaded SVG images.
    Other than that, why a 3rd party plugin is mandatorily required in order to upload the SVG image and make them work. Should not those work Out-of-the-box.

    PS: Other SVG images seems working, as of now. Like Logo, wishlist icon, product images and few others. Why only Cart image is not working. I think, this needs to be fixed.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    2. Sorry, but our “Price” filter comes from WooCommerce and we cannot influent it.

    In this https://demo.agnidesigns.com/cartify/shop/?shop_layout_preset=1 example website, they are using another “Price” filter that is not from WooCommerce.

    1. Please, create a condition as on the below screenshot.


    4. It is the issue of WordPress because we use the standard WordPress function to display the image, and it displays unnecessary attributes, therefore the “Safe SVG” plugin fixes it.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    2. But, there must be some sort of possibility to hide the text Price, isn’t it. If not by CSS alone, then by some code snippet with CSS would be helpful.

    2. b). Can you please implement such a Price filter (as below), where the text Price will not be shown, and there is an Input box also to enter Values for Min. and Max. prices (other than the slider). So that user can enter precise Value, as per their needs too.


    1. Thank you. Will try now

    4. But as I said earlier, other SVG images are working fine on site. Including Wishlist and other similar icons inside Account Dashboard. Only Cart and My Account SVG images are not visible.

    Can this be fixed in upcoming update. As this would avoid unnecessary usage of additional plugin.

    Or else, if you could suggest, if there is anything wrong with our SVG image of Cart, we can rectify that too.
    Would highly appreciate, If you could please take a look on the SVG image of Cart icon.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    2. The structure of the HTML doesn’t allow to hide it just using the custom CSS.

    So in this case, copy the wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/content-widget-price-filter.php file in your child theme and clear the price text from the “32” line.


    Your Wishlist icon is not SVG, so it appears well. As I reminded above, it is the issue of WordPress and we cannot influent it, unfortunately.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    2. a).

    clear the price text from the “32” line.

    Do I need to clear the Text alone, or the quotes also (surrounding the text), in line 32. Or do i need to have empty quotes and remove just the text – Price. Can you please suggest how it should look like.

    Also, do I need to directly place the file content-widget-price-filter.php alone in the Child theme. Or do I need to follow some path.

    And do I need to replace the file everytime in child theme, with every Theme update or Woocommerce update. And then remove the Text – Price again.

    This requested query was missed, hence asking –
    2. b). Can you please implement such a custom Price filter (as below) also in upcoming update, where the text Price will not be shown, and there is an Input box also to enter Values for Min. and Max. prices (other than the slider). So that user can enter precise Value, as per their needs too.


    4. Yes, I checked, the Wishlist icon is WebP image format.
    Curious to know, which one is better – SVG or WebP for such icon images. In terms of size, security and compatibility.

    Can I have WebP for Cart icon also.
    Do WebP image also requires size dimensions to be written within the file itself, just like as it is the case with SVG most of the times.
    Please share your valuable suggestions.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    Sorry for the delay.

    2a. I found a better solution for that, and it’s by using Loco Translate to remove the “Price:” text. Please, navigate to Loco Translate -> Plugins -> WooCommerce -> enter keywords in the search form and for the “translation” field define just “space”.




    So after the update, it will always be as you define it in Loco. I think it’s the best solution in this situation.

    2b. I will forward your suggestion.

    4. You can define there any image as you want. You don’t need to set there dimentions as with SVG icons.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,


    you can achieve that via presets. First of all, create a preset and navigate to Theme Settings -> Product archive -> Page title -> disable the “Shop title” option…

    I followed each and every step correctly that you suggested in your response post here – 386883

    However, the BG image is still visible and is Not overridden by the Black colored BG color, which we wanted to achieve.

    I think there is still some sort of bug. Or may be I am missing something

    You can check this custom preset

    2.a). I will try that way. Thanks for sharing screenshots. Really helpful

    2 b) Thank you

    4. OK, thanks for clarifying.
    Just wanted to know, which is better in terms of size and speed (faster loading).
    SVG and WebP


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    We have a limit on the number of items that are saved when saving the main Theme settings and it’s 10 presets, you have more than 10 so please, first of all, enter this code to the functions.php file in your child theme.

    add_filter( 'xts_theme_settings_presets_file_reset_count', function () {
    			return 100;
    		} );

    So then navigate to your Theme Settings -> Options preset -> resave the “Shop page title small cat” preset.

    4. Here is an article that describes it well:


    Kind Regards

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Luke Nielsen.


    Hello Luke,

    4. Thanks for sharing the link. Much helpful.

    1. I could not understand and agree on this point, for below reasons-

    a). First of all, there were already 44 Readymade Presets that came with the installation of the theme or Demo content. That means, there should not be such sort of limit. Otherwise, what is the point in adding 44 presets at a time, with theme installation. Please suggest

    b). Secondly, our own custom Preset was working until we update the theme to one of the latest version, probably 6.5 or later version. That means, there was no such limit, atleast until that version. Can you please clarify on this.

    c). Also, you suggested the code, that has a Return Value of 30, but as I mentioned in 1. a), there are already 44 ready presets(pre-populated with theme), and we have 3 of our own presets on top of that. How can entering the Value 30 resolve this.

    add_filter( 'xts_theme_settings_presets_file_reset_count', function () {
    			return 30;
    		} );

    Please take a look onto that

    d). Finally, I think limit of 10 should Not be the reason, in this case. As two of our other custom presets are working, specially our custom preset that is on 46th position or number. If that had been the case, this preset won’t be working.

    Would appreciate, if you could please read and consider my above points carefully and look into the matter thoroughly again. Please help to resolve this matter on priority basis.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    I have edited the above code and now it returns 100.

    May I request you to enter the above code to the functions.php file in your child theme and check the issue again?

    I will send your suggestions to the team, also.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you!

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    1. c) I added the updated code and unfortunately it is still Not working, as intended. After adding code, I clicked that custom filter and Resaved it and then to Global Settings and then Hit Save options also (theme settings)

    My point still stands the same, specifically here-
    d). I think default limit of 10 should Not be the reason, in this case. As one of our other custom presets is working, specially our custom preset that is on 45th position or number. If that had been the case, this preset won’t be working.

    Please refer this screenshot- https://i2.paste.pics/HMCE4.png

    There must be something else. or something wrong with Saving of Presets or with this Preset conditions and settings itself.
    I think there might be some sort of bug or glitch.

    Important to note – b). Our own custom Presets were working 44-45 numbered preset in order of sequence (with default Return value of 10) until we update the theme to one of the latest version, probably 6.5 or later version.
    That means, there was no such limit, atleast until that version. Or we should say, the limit should not be impacting. Can you please clarify on this.
    And our 45th number custom preset works with default Return Value of 10. That is, 45th preset works even if we do Not Add your custom snippet code, which returns the value of 100

    PS: Another thing to note, is that, if we use this snippet code with Return Value of 100, then Save Options (of theme settings), takes more than double the standard Saving time. (almost 3 times)
    Even if we are changing any other theme setting, and Not doing anything with the Theme Presets, at all.
    So, this snippet code with 50+ value is immediately impacting the overall performance and speed of backend also.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    Please send us your FTP access to your server files so we can check what is wrong with your website. We will do our best to help you.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you!

    Kind Regards



    Bit Important:
    Hello Luke,

    Below are the credentials, as required by you.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    After we looked into the situation we found that the color for the background should not be the same as has global page title.

    So I set a little bit another black color and it started to work.



    Of course, it’s our issue and we will work on getting rid of it. It will be fixed in our future updates.

    Please hold patience with us. Thanks for your time and have a great day.

    Kind Regards

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Luke Nielsen.


    Hello Luke,

    I am glad to know, that you replicate the issue and managed to find the root cause.
    Much thanks for your speedy response, again.
    Really happy to find that 🙂

    No problem at all. I can surely wait. Thanks for providing alternative or workaround solution too, for the time being.
    Just wanted to ask, Can I now Delete the FTP credentials

    PS: Wish if you could please answer all existing and New query threads (posts), promptly, in a similar way.
    I mean, we always expect to receive responses multiple times a day, wherever possible. Not just once in a whole day. Sometimes, it even takes 2-3 days to receive a single response.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by harshwe.


    Hello Luke,

    1. In addition to my above previous message, should I also delete (or remove) the snippet code shared by you earlier –

    add_filter( 'xts_theme_settings_presets_file_reset_count', function () {
    			return 100;
    		} );

    As, after commenting-out (//) this code, the BG color behind Category names on the Title of the Shop page are still showing correctly.
    Means working correctly, atleast, as of now.

    Also, this above code slower-down the SAVING of Theme settings and other Admin backend work, a lot. This code is taking almost 3 times more, as compared to without using this code (even when we click Save settings button on Theme settings, without doing anything)

    1. e) Just wondering and curious to know, did you managed to find out the Mystery behind this code. Because, the Option Preset numbered between 44th-46th position are still working without above code and with default limit.
    But you suggested the default limit is Only 10 presets, to Save them and make them work.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    In this case, you can remove this custom code, it’s not a problem.

    If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out, I’d love to help!

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    Thanks for confirming.

    I think these got skipped somehow. Can you please look into these and suggest –




    Luke Nielsen


    1. Yes of course you can remove your FTP access.

    2. Sorry, for my mistake, after the 6.5 updates this issue has been resolved.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,

    1. Yes, I already removed FTP details. Thank you.

    2. No problem. I can understand. Thanks for confirming.

    Much thanks for looking into the core issue and working for it, in order to resolve it.



    Luke Nielsen


    If you have any questions or wish to learn more about our theme, do reach out to our customer service team at any time.

    Wish you all the best.

    Kind Regards

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