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How to convert woodmart theme to Android and Apple mobaile application

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  • #182895

    [email protected]

    Can I convert the Woodmart theme to a mobile application?
    so the customer can open it directly from their android or apple mobile App



    Our support and Theme does not provide such a service to change the Site/Theme as Android/IOS APP. You will need to find a developer or you can try with any third party plugin for it.

    Note: You can try with any third party plugin at your own risk as we do not provide our dedicated support for any of the third party plugin issue, this is beyond our limitations.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    Thank you for your reply.

    I think it will be a very good step forward for your theme if you add this feature in the future.

    Thank you



    Thanks for sharing the suggestion/feature request with us, I am forwarding this to our development department for considering to add it in the theme, but I am not giving you the guarantee for that because please note that a theme cannot satisfy all requirements as it may occur theme heaviness. Sometimes it may require your own customization. So if the development department finds it fit with the theme environment then surely they will look through it.

    Thanks for your understanding.

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