Home Forums WoodMart support forum How to let my enters show up in the Visuel block and also on the front end?

How to let my enters show up in the Visuel block and also on the front end?

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    On the WooCommerce category page at the bottom, you can add an ‘Additional description’.
    When I select the ‘Visual’ switch (near Text) I can see what I have written, and I have put in enters, and it looks like image: visual.

    But on the front end all enters are removed…. and it looks like image: front

    If I add or <br> in my text, they will show on the front end, so this does not work…

    If I select the Text switch (near Visual) I can add the

    <*p> or <br> in my text and save it.
    But when I open a product the product description and short product description will also be in TEXT see image Text

    I have to switch to visual.. Very irritating.

    When I later go to the same category page again, it is also switched to visual. and all my or <br> are gone. If I want to alter the text, I have to put in <*p> or <br> again…

    How to solve this and let my enters show up in the Visual block and also on the front end?



    It is the default functionality of visual and text.

    The text field is a plain text editor that allows you to type in your content using basic formatting options such as bold, italic, bullet points, and links. It is similar to a simple word processor or text editor.

    On the other hand, the visual field provides a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor that allows you to create content visually, without needing to know HTML or other coding languages. It provides more formatting options than the text field, such as adding images, videos, tables, and more complex layout elements.

    Best Regards.



    Yes, I know that it is and does. But I can not use enters/Line Breaks in the visual field…. They will not show up on the front end.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by support-1174.


    Instead of using the visual editor, switch to the text editor in the product description field. This will allow you to add line breaks using HTML code.
    Use <br>to add a line break between paragraphs or lines of text.

    Best Regards.



    As I said:

    Then when I open a product the product description and short product description will also be in the text editor see image Text…

    I have to switch to visual again… very irritating.

    When I later go to the same category page again, it is also switched to visual again and all my or <br> are gone.
    If I want to alter the text there, I have to put in the <br> again…

    How to solve this and let my enters/line breaks show up in the Visual block and also on the front end?



    Instead of switching back and forth between the “Text” and “Visual” tabs, try using only the “Text” tab to edit your content. This will allow you to see and edit the HTML code directly, which can be especially helpful when working with line breaks and other formatting elements.

    Best Regards.



    No, I want to work in the Visual tab, so I can see directly how it’s going to look at the front end…
    Why can’t you just help me fix the problem with your theme?



    Sorry it is the default functionality of WordPress.We have been unable to change the default behaviour of visual and text.

    Hope you can understand!

    Best Regards.


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