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How to permanently and always show all sizes

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  • #20172


    We would like to achieve the following.

    We want to have for a shoe eshop the following functionality
    – on the product page the client wants to be able to show all registered shoe sizes, even if these sizes are out of stock or even if he has not added all variations with all available sizes.

    For example if a shoe is available in Red 37, 38 and 39 sizes, and we have registered sizes from 36 to 40, we want to have all sizes showing up. If though some sizes are not currently available they can appeared grayed out.

    Please take a look at this URL to see what we are talking about. Go and roll over each color. You will see that they show all available sizes constantly, even if they are not in their inventory.


    Thanks !


    Artem Temos


    You can do this on your website also. Just add all sizes as variations and mark some part of them as out of stock and then users will not be able to purchase them.





    We already did that but it is confusing for the client because the sizes that are not available do not gray out, so in many cases the client selects color and sizes for items that are out of stock.

    Is there a way to have the sizes gray out when they are out of stock in order to avoid this client frustrations?


    PS See screenshot for details http://prntscr.com/gs6b53


    Artem Temos


    Unfortunately, there is no such option for attributes swatches and we can’t implement it technically since it depends on WooCommerce functionality.


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