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How to switch menus in mobile menu

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  • #54778


    Hi, how can I switch the position of “MENU” and “CATEGORIES”?
    When a user taps the mobile menu the categories should be shown first.



    There is no option in for that, however, there is way out.
    Assign menus for mobile view accordingly and rewrite the titles with the Loco:

    1/ Go to Appearance > Menu > Set Category Menu as Mobile.

    2/ Go to Mobile view of Header Builder and configure mobile menu http://prntscr.com/jag0o6

    3/ Install Loco Translation plugin and rewrite Title Menu and Categories.

    Best Regards



    Thank you but there’s one thing missing. How do I remove the links “My wishlist” and “Login/Register” from the first column?

    Additionally: when translating “Menu” to “Categories” the menu item in the backend of the theme options is being translated too. The strings are used for backend and frontend.



    In order to remove Wishlist and My Account items from mobile menu try this code:

    li.menu-item.menu-item-register {

    Yes, sure Loco rewrite the string both in back-end and front-end. And this is the way it should work.

    Best Regards



    Hello Elise,

    thank you very much. I can write CSS but need the links in the second column of course (with icons and so on).

    I just wonder that you use the same string of the backend and the frontend. That’s not a common practise in web developement.



    We checked again and now it is not possible to change with CSS. It requires theme files customization. We shall consider this option on one of our future updates.

    Best Regards

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