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HTML block is full width – should not

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  • #644264


    Dear support,
    currently one of my HTML blocks is adjusting to the whole width which I want to avoid, it should be smaller and compacter since there is a lot of empty space in the current state. I was not able to find the option to resize, please have a look.

    The HTML block in question is “PopUp-rückruf”

    Best regards,

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    Hung Pham

    Hi clk66,

    Thanks for reaching to us and appreciate your patience.

    I can’t find that sections on your site. To assist you in the best possible manner, I kindly ask that you please provide me URL of the mentioned page, so I can take a closer look.




    Hi Hung,

    its an HTML block which opens by pressing a button (popup) as seen in the screenshots. The button is at the bottom of the homepage/landingpage.

    I have also changed translation to english again for easier handling by you.

    Best regards,

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