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HTML Block menu – on click

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  • #292070


    Dear Xtemos,

    I had created the HTML Block menu which works fine for the dropdown on desktop:

    could you please check and advise how to solve “You do not have access.” if someone clicks on the menu item “Képzések” https://gyazo.com/06f7f81ae1216898c66da99886a414e8

    Thanks a lot



    Please make the full backup of your site as well as the Theme settings export and check the issue on the deafault theme to detect if our theme causes the problem.

    Please check and make sure you assigned no password and published in public, not in the private.

    Best Regards



    Dear Elise,

    let me please describe it more detailed:
    the problem is probably with the menu link, as the html block is linked to the main menu element: https://www.cynlashes.com/?cms_block=cyn-kepzesek

    So the hover works fine but when clicking on “Képzések” not on the “drop down elements” bellow than the following link is refered: https://www.cynlashes.com/?cms_block=cyn-kepzesek

    I hope this explains the error better.



    Please provide your site admin access to the private area.

    Please confirm the permit for us to deactivate the plugins not related to the theme and switch to the parent theme for the while of checking what may take up to 15 minutes.

    Best Regards

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