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i cant hide my admin bar

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  • #132894


    Hello i cant hide my admin bar, i have installed some plugin for it. it havent worked. after this i try some code in function.php like:

    “add_filter(‘show_admin_bar’, ‘__return_false’);”

    “function hide_admin_bar(){ return false; }
    add_filter( ‘show_admin_bar’, ‘hide_admin_bar’ );”

    “#wpadminbar { display:none !important;}”

    and many others…. the problem is, the admin dissapears only for the admin, if you log in as a customer for example, the admin appears anyway



    Our theme does not have such option nor any instructions. Please contact the plugin’s support or refer to their documentation.

    Best Regards



    I know that your theme does not support that. but it works with all other themes. this template is useless for me if I can not disable adminbar. I sincerely ask for support




    By default woocommerce does not allow the customers to see the admin bar or the admin backend.

    Check the link below. If your customers see the admin bar maybe you have edited the user role capabilities or installed some plugin or code that bypass this feature. Customers by default can’t see the admin interface.




    Admin panel is the WordPress functionality which does not relate to our theme. Sometimes we can provide assistance beyond our support giving CSS for minor changes, however, this case is much more complicated. You would better find the plugin something user roles which determine the access for all types of users.

    Best Regards

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