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I have problem with any cache plugins

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  • #334592


    Any caching plugins just crashing my site. Or header menu not visible (litespeed cache) and site very slow, or site not loading and downloading little file with site name (wp rocket and any other). wp rocket support said what this not their problems.

    I disabled my plugins but it not helping.



    Please, provide your site admin access (insert the site credentials into the Private content block under the message area) and confirm the permission for plugins deactivation, switching to the parent theme. As soon as we complete the testing we will enable all back, however, the site would be without plugins for 15-20 min. You would better make the full backup of your site.

    Best Regards



    Okey. Im ready



    My server support send me this:

    Good afternoon, Trachuk Vasily Leonidovich!

    Account ve421923 consumes more than 100 CPU minutes per day and creates problems in other sites located on the server. The schedule of resource consumption can be found in the control panel.

    Please note that overloading violates the rules for providing services paragraph 5.2. In order to reduce the damage caused to other users of the server, restrictions may be applied to the account, designed to keep the load on the server within the framework prescribed by the rules. However, there may be difficulties in the operation of sites when they try to access resources beyond what is provided by the conditions.

    To analyze the causes of the load, you can use graphs and statistics from the section “Load on the web server”, as well as reports from the section “My sites” (column “Load”). We also recommend that you check the server logs (section “My sites” – “Server logs”), because the load can be caused by a large number of requests from bots to your site.

    We ask you to react immediately to the incident and take measures to optimize the load on the hosting. If you do not have the necessary skills in the field of optimization and development of web applications, we recommend that you contact third-party experts in this matter to provide you with advice and practical assistance in this matter.

    After you normalize the load and it will be at the level of less than 85% of the limit for 3 days – please contact technical support to remove the restrictions from the account, if any.

    If you still have questions, you can ask them by contacting the technical support of the hosting


    Artem Temos

    We don’t see any problems on your website now https://gyazo.com/5178a34f8d6774f769df426db1c78b29
    How can we reproduce it?

    Kind Regards



    I don’t understand your logic)
    I disabled plugin becouse it makes my site not working. I installed wp rocket back, after logining, please activate plugin and look what will be


    Artem Temos

    Do you mean that you have this problem with the WP Rocket plugin? Have you tested how it works with a default WordPress theme? Our theme doesn’t influence the WP Rocket plugin functionality.
    If you face any issues with the third-party plugin you need to contact plugin’s support for help.



    I wrote about it. I mean what i have problem with any cache pplugin) Or problem with footer or problem with don’t opening site. After activate i start to downloading a little file. Check the video:


    Artem Temos

    Yes, but it looks like a problem with the plugin, not with the theme, right? In this case, please, contact plugin developers for help.

    Kind Regards



    If this problem same on the 20 caching plugins this is problem of plugins? Lol
    I ask you to help, and you, as always, answer that plugins are to blame.
    I’m not stupid, I checked everything, and when I failed to solve the problem I write to you!


    Artem Temos


    Sorry for the misunderstanding, but you wrote that it happens with the plugin and didn’t answer the question of whether it happens with other themes or not. It is not possible to understand if it is a theme issue or not while you don’t verify it first.

    Kind Regards

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