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i need help with images for products

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    Will they know or will they have any photoshop file in which I can edit my images and they will be the same as the one that comes in the demo?

    I am using photoshop, I am not an expert and I put my files of 740 x 1000 pixels and when I put it in the product it appears very small (please view the file)



    I share images in mega that weigh more than 2mb



    Your issue is not clear enough. WoodMart theme is supplied with the demo. Most of the images of the demo is not provided due to the copyright policy. You can upload your own images.

    Please clarify the issue.

    Best Regards



    My problem is that I am trying to upload my images with the same size as the one that comes in the demo images, but these look different when I upload them (I left a sample image there).

    cushion cover is my 740 x 1000px image (which is the same size as the demo image) and Decoration wooden present is the demo image (this image looks good), I say this because of the difference in size and quality that the images are seen; I am also exporting to the same format which is JPEG



    The images look different as some of them have a background and some of them have a transparent background. You can see that product titles are aligned on one level. https://gyazo.com/7fb4fb2c7833906ca1d01345a25fc0a3

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    my problem is not on the shop page, my problem is displayed on the home page, in the “trending products” section: also my images are in JPEG format, which does not have a transparent background



    You need either upload images of the same size or crop the images. Please check this manual: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/image-size-and-content-alignment-in-a-product-grid/

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    creo que ya encontre la solucion a las imagenes y tiene mucho que ver con las miniaturas, la cual podemos cambiar en: settings > media; ya estuve probando y me fije que si cambia

    podrian decirme que tamaño esta utilizando para las minuaturas: Thumbnail size, Medium size, Large size?



    I think I already found the solution to the images and it has a lot to do with the thumbnails, which we can change in: settings > media; I was already testing and I noticed that if it changes

    Could you tell me what size you are using for the thumbnails: Miniature, Medium, Large?



    Our demo uses these sizes:

    Main image width – Image size used for the main image on single product pages. These images will remain uncropped. Image width used in demo sites are: 600px.
    Thumbnail width – Image width used for products in the catalog, Image width for the catalog is 350px.

    You can find more details: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/image-size-and-content-alignment-in-a-product-grid/

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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