Home Forums WoodMart support forum If catalog mode is enabled variable products do not appear as intended

If catalog mode is enabled variable products do not appear as intended

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  • #575655



    I was creating a staging site and I wanted to use the catalog mode along with the option that every variation of a variable product can appear as a single product, but I saw that this was creating problems.

    The problems are:

    • User can not choose variations (that might be correct) but also the price does not appear correctly
    • URL contains the correct query but the problem is that the price and or the attributes do not appear as selected options

    On the private section below, I have some screenshots that might describe the problems better.

    Let me know if I missed an option here or did not understand something correctly regarding the functionality.

    Best Regards

    • This topic was modified 4 days, 12 hours ago by supp0rt.

    Hung Pham

    Hello supp0rt,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    Sorry to say but right now there is no option in Theme Settings available for that. It requires Customization and this is beyond our limitations and support policy scope. Hope you can understand our limitations.

    I’d be happy to assist if you have any other questions or concerns.

    Kind Regards,



    Hello @hungpd-name,

    I understand there might be limitations here regarding the support you can offer, but this feature might need a fix to work as intended and it is inside the scope of the support.

    Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but this is a woo commerce functionality that exists and the implementation of the catalog is made based on the filter that Woo also provides and removes the products from being purchasable. Besides that the option that Woodmart provides, for the variable products to appear as separate products seems to not support the proper display of the price, thus it makes these two options useless when they are enabled simultaneously.

    These are settings/options that the theme provides, it’s not a specific functionality that I asked and it was not provided in the first place. At least if the variable products appear as separate in a catalog mode, if the user clicks on this product then he must see the correct price. Not only the first price or a range of it.

    Please, take into consideration how to fix this, or at least, if this is a functionality that is not fully supported yet, add a specification or an information message, that this will work only on the default shop.

    The above is in a polite tone and I have all the goodwill to help as much as I can. So let me know if I can help somehow.

    Best Regards


    Hung Pham

    Hello supp0rt,

    I conducted a test on my end and price still the same in Catalog mode or not.

    You should deactivate all plugins (except Required Plugins) and then reactivate them one by one. This makes it very easy to isolate the plugin causing problems.

    Kind Regards,

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