Hi, I’m having problems with the header builder in trying to add 4 images, it appears that when I add one image or 2 its perfect, but when I add 2 more, they make all 4 images smaller to fit them.
This isn’t that happened in the past, I had these 4 images on the header and they fitted perfectly! Is there something I can do to stop this happening?
As your header images becomes a bit smaller due to theme responsiveness to get fit in the row when you used 4 images in a single row.
You can use html block and define the 4 columns inside it and use image inside each column and then used that html block in your header row as in the screenshot: https://jmp.sh/8aJF3MM
The option for using html blocks, you can build a header that way? I thought it had to be done through the header builder? Maybe I wasnt clear that this is for the header. please see my homepage, they all sit in the blue bottom part of the header.
Yes if you want to use images inside your header you can use html blocks. But you can also use the header builder other elements to build up your header. Html block is also included inside your elements which you can use also.