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Image swatch on grid page

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  • #44855

    Stanley Black

    Hi image swatch on grid page not working. I want the same thing how you made on this link
    On my grid page when variation image clicked link goes to product page not swatch image.
    On product page image swatch working.

    Best regards


    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much purchasing our theme and contacting our support center.

    You need to disable an option to show this attribute terms as product labels in Dashboard -> Products -> Attributes -> edit attribute.

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio


    Stanley Black

    Can I put variation images on the left side(screenshoot).
    Can image swatchs be bigger?

    Best regards

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    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but there is no such option in our theme. You can increase them with this CSS code

    body .swatches-on-grid .swatch-on-grid {
    	  line-height: 35px;
        width: 35px;
        height: 35px;

    Stanley Black

    Can I make image swatches on product grid page for each product for itself?
    Every product has his own image variation swatches.

    Char 1 – will have two variations with images (wooden handles, iron handles).
    Char 2 – will have variations with images (plastic handles, aluminum handles).

    Can I put this two product on category page (Char) and make that every product has his own image swatches?

    I saw that on Shop>Grid swatch attribute to display have only one attribute to choose.


    Artem Temos


    Yes, there is only one attribute can be selected to be used for attribute swatches on the shop page. But do you mean in your example that two products will have different attributes? As we can understand, they will have different variations, but the same attribute.



    Stanley Black

    If I understand you, on every category page will be same atribute for image swatches.

    I will have 10 furniture categories.
    Categories – sofas,chairs, lamps…

    All this categories have different atributes. You mean that all this categories on grid pages can have one atribute for image swatches?

    Best regards


    Artem Temos

    Yes, but you can set different attributes to display on the product base. Check this option while editing your products https://gyazo.com/5e6001f8ec56f2dacda7beeca383b635


    Stanley Black

    Thank you!!!

    One more question.
    How to do the same thing on product page(capture.png).

    Can be make when clicking on the elephant(example) to change the main image as image variation and not to go to a separate product page?

    Best regards

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    Unfortunately, there is no standard way to get the main image of grouped product to change depending on the child product thumbnail image clicked. That can’t be done in our theme options or via standard woocommerce settings and requires an additional plugin customization. In order to create grouped product similar to your screen please follow the tutorial below https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/managing-products/

    Kind Regards


    Stanley Black


    I want to add variation of product in wishlist.
    I see that it is posible with adding variation of product in cart.

    Best regards


    Stanley Black

    Is it posible to set image variation vertically?
    I want also to description for variation always be open on the right side of varitaion image.(example.png)

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    By default, the WooCommerce plugin doesn’t have such functionality for grouped products and their thumbnails. It may be possible only by applying an additional code customization. We don’t have a quick tutorial for that since it is out of our theme support scope.

    Kind Regards

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