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image thumbnails

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  • #160404


    I have several questions regarding the theme.

    1. We are uploading 2 images (sized 900×900) for each product one as a
    featured image second one as a product gallery. After publishing the
    product, the image quality looks very bad but once we change the view
    to bigger size it turns to good quality. What are the best recommended
    size in order to have good quality thumbnail image and how we can
    disable hover image zoom effect.

    2. Is there any option to disable image hover function on specific products?



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Unfortunately, there is no option to disable zoom on the specific product. You can upload smaller images in the product and zoom would not work. Zoom requires quite a big size of the image.

    As for the image configuration, please read and follow the suggestions on the images here: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/image-size-content-alignment-product-grid/

    Best Regards

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