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Image zoom product issue on mobile

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  • #56221


    Hi, there is a little issue with product image zoom on mobile devices.
    With 1° thumb it is all ok, you tap it one time – it zoom, you tap it second time – image return to its size.
    But with 2° thumb or others, if you tap second time, zoomed image does not return small.

    You can test it from mobile: https://woodmart.xtemos.com/shop/lighting/montes-scelerisque/

    select 2° thumb (or 3° thumb) -> tap image 1 time (it zoomed) -> tap image again (it does not return small).



    Eric Watson


    Thanks for reporting the problem, we do not have a quick solution for you now, but we will try to fix the problem in future updates.

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio

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