Home Forums WoodMart support forum Images Carrousel – "Pagination Dots" missing on non-desktop views

Images Carrousel – "Pagination Dots" missing on non-desktop views

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  • #328743

    Jeriss Cloud Center


    Please check the link in private.

    > On desktop, the pagination dots appear correctly => no issue here
    > On any other view (mobile, tablet), the pagination dots don’t appear => bug

    Why aren’t they being displayed?

    Because of this, I need to add a text “swipe images from left to right” because it’s not very clear that there are more images hidden to see.


    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Please, provide your site admin access (insert the site credentials into the Private content block under the message area) and confirm the permission for plugins deactivation, switching to the parent.

    Best Regards


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    Here is a staging copy below.
    You’re free to do anything in it.



    You have added this text in the content https://gyazo.com/4ed4396a51c9f3b76f74e8a10edf3731

    I am checking the staging site and everything works properly: https://gyazo.com/8b2b53a3bf5c9dc1166a2a3b4082304d

    As for the live site, check the Theme Settings > Performance, it seems you have disabled the owl carousel on mobile.

    Best Regards


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    Indeed, the issue is gone by re-enabling OWL Carousel
    Thanks you can close this ticket


    You are welcome!

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