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Images Size for product gallery Differents how to manage that

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  • #638875


    i know that it’s not the first time this subject is on the table anyway
    AM photographer and i have pictures on portrait mode and other on landscape mode it’s not easy to manage

    here what i have on the catogory page and on the single product page could you please tell me how can i fix this issue to have same size for pictures ?, i tried to use this code of additional CSS to force the size but it’s not efficient

    .product-image-link {
    width: 300px !important;
    height: 300px !important; /* Ajuste cette valeur selon ton besoin */
    object-fit: contain !important;
    object-position: center center; !important;
    display: block;
    background-color: #EFEAE6; /* Ajoute une couleur de fond pour éviter le vide */


    Thank for the Help

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    Luke Nielsen


    Our theme doesn’t control product image size. It is controlled by the WooCommerce plugin. You can configure it in Appearance -> Customize -> WooCommerce -> Product images.

    Please check this manual: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/image-size-content-alignment-product-grid/

    Kind Regards



    Hi Nielsen

    Thanks for your answer @Nielsen am trying to see from woocommerce side

    I discovered that in the products archive gallery the image si not aligned with the text as you see in the picture attached . could someone tell me how i can fix that ?

    Thank you

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    Luke Nielsen


    At the moment, I see that the images look well – https://prnt.sc/2RnXSeDU2amR

    Let me know if I missed something.

    Kind Regards



    Hi Luke

    Yes effectively , i resolved my problem by :

    – Resizing my images with my photo editor ( 1200×800 ) and uploaded them again on woo commerce
    – Modifiying the image Size settings with 1200 for the principal image and 600 for the miniature cropped 1:1

    Here was my solution

    thanks for the Help


    Luke Nielsen


    Always remember that you can reach out to us with any questions you may have.

    Wish you all the best.

    Kind Regards

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