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Include email inside of Links to social profiles

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    If I enable “Email for social links” inside of “Links to social profiles” it shows just email with email to subject. My question is, can email where customer needs to send their email to, be included when they click on this link?




    The users click the email icon, the mail server installed on the desktop opens the mail template (sender email is inserted by default for all emails) user inserts the mail of a friend whom the user is going to share and the friend would get this mail. That is the way it works.

    Best Regards



    I see. Is is possible to change that icon to some link, e.g. https://something.com/contact/ so when someone clicks on that link it leads him to contact form?



    No, you cannot replace the link for Email social icon. What place do you want to insert the icon which would address to the contact page?

    Best Regards




    I would like this icon to be the last and to lead to /contact/ page.

    Can you help me with that?

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Unfortunately, it is not possible to insert the icon on the side.

    You can add the icon into the footer or the header.

    Best Regards



    Let me rephrase my question… Where in code is this sidebar incoded? I’ll change it by myself.



    You need to find this file woodmart/inc/template-tags.php and edit this function: woodmart_get_sticky_social()

    Best Regards



    I don’t think this is right place. I’m seeking for place with list of social networks where is facebook, twitter… and email in the end.



    So you cannot point me to right spot? Your statement was completely incorrect as some points are set up inside of woodmart/inc/shortcodes inside of file social.php. But still, when I change it, it does not work. That’s why I asked for pointers but seems like you don’t care…



    Find this file woodmart/inc/shortcodes/social.php

    And edit this function: woodmart_shortcode_social()

    Best Regards



    I found that before and tried to edit this:

    <?php if ( ( $type == ‘share’ && woodmart_get_opt(‘share_email’) ) || ( $type == ‘follow’ && woodmart_get_opt( ‘social_email’ ) ) ): ?>
    ” target=”<?php echo esc_attr( $target ); ?>” class=”<?php if( $tooltip == “yes” ) echo ‘woodmart-tooltip’; ?> woodmart-social-icon social-email”>
    <i class=”fa fa-envelope”></i>
    <span class=”woodmart-social-icon-name”><?php esc_html_e(‘Email’, ‘woodmart’) ?></span>

    <?php endif ?>

    to this:

    <?php if ( ( $type == ‘share’ && woodmart_get_opt(‘share_email’) ) || ( $type == ‘follow’ && woodmart_get_opt( ‘social_email’ ) ) ): ?>

    <i class=”fa fa-envelope”></i>
    <span class=”woodmart-social-icon-name”><?php esc_html_e(‘Contact Us’, ‘woodmart’) ?></span>

    <?php endif ?>

    But seems like it does not respond at all. Do you know why maybe?



    Please have a look at the screen: http://prntscr.com/qtwtlv

    You need to change it here, please send the screen how you have changed.

    Best Regards



    Hmmm, I realized that I’ve changed this properly but for some reason it does not work when I created directory inside of my woodmart-child/inc/shortcodes with file social.php. Do you mean what might be a reason for that?

    Basically, permission for directories “inc” and “shortcodes” are 755 and for file social.php is 644 on both woodmart-child and woodmart theme. Do you know why changes from child cannot override original theme?




    You do not need to create social.php in woodmart-child/inc/shortcodes

    You need to copy the function woodmart_shortcode_social() into the functions.php of the child theme. http://prntscr.com/qu201l

    Best Regards



    Yes true. That way it works. Thanks a lot.


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hello, may I ask you please how is possible to make this title and number of products on each product category to be in different colors for individual product category page? How can I edit via CSS product categories and add custom CSS that results with different color when customer hovers on that child-category?

    E.g. Look on your category page: https://woodmart.xtemos.com/product-category/clocks/ you don’t have child categories for this page but pretend to have. Those child category pages will be on the top of your products if you choose this option in woocommerce. How can I edit that main “clocks” parent category to show individual CSS?

    For example, I’ve this code:

    .category-grid-item .category-title {
    color: #fff;
    .category-grid-item .more-products {
    color: #fff;

    It is doing exactly what I want. But I want it only for one category not for all. And that is my problem. Help?



    It is not possible to create custom CSS differently for different categories. All the fonts on all the categories would have one and the same style.

    You can change the font by means of Advanced typography option, which allows to choose the item from a drop-down or insert your custom CSS class. Please navigate to the Theme Settings > Typography > Advanced Typography.

    Here is the documentation providing more detailed instructions: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/advanced-typography-settings/

    Best Regards




    This is not at all what I want… Result with this is the same as I would do via CSS… But my question is how to apply that to particular product category… I know there are a way just cannot reach it… I tried this:

    .cat-260-id .category-grid-item .cat-260-id.category-title {
    color: #fff;

    With specific category id, but it is simply ignored. Can you help me here please?



    Inspect your category, and see which class relates. I am inspecting “Cooking” https://prnt.sc/qzbue7

    Then add body.term-cooking before all the selector, for example:

    body.term-cooking .category-grid-item .cat-260-id.category-title {
    color: #fff;

    Crete your code following the same way.

    Best Regards



    Thank you. Feel free to close this thread.


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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