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Information Box Carousel Mobile Released to this post #81896
- This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by
Elise Noromit.
April 12, 2021 at 5:44 pm #282070
iRomeKParticipantHey guys,
I was unable to answer to this post so I start a new pot.
I found this function php snipped in your post:
function woodmart_shortcode_info_box_carousel( $atts = array(), $content = null ) {
$output = $class = $autoplay = ”;$parsed_atts = shortcode_atts( array_merge( woodmart_get_owl_atts(), array(
‘slider_spacing’ => 30,
‘dragEndSpeed’ => 600,
‘el_class’ => ”,
) ), $atts );extract( $parsed_atts );
$class .= ‘ ‘ . $el_class;
$class .= ‘ ‘ . woodmart_owl_items_per_slide( $slides_per_view );$carousel_id = ‘carousel-‘ . rand(100, 999);
$parsed_atts[‘carousel_id’] = $carousel_id;
if ( $el_class == ‘custom_sizes’ ) {
$parsed_atts[‘custom_sizes’] = array(
‘desktop’ => 6,
‘tablet_landscape’ => 5,
‘tablet’ => 5,
‘mobile’ => 4,
$owl_atts = woodmart_get_owl_attributes( $parsed_atts );ob_start(); ?>
<div id=”<?php echo esc_attr( $carousel_id ); ?>” class=”woodmart-carousel-container info-box-carousel-wrapper woodmart-carousel-spacing-<?php echo esc_attr( $slider_spacing ); ?>” <?php echo ( $owl_atts ); ?>>
<div class=”owl-carousel info-box-carousel<?php echo esc_attr( $class ); ?>” >
<?php echo do_shortcode( $content ); ?>
$output = ob_get_contents();
ob_end_clean();return $output;
add_shortcode( ‘woodmart_info_box_carousel’, ‘woodmart_shortcode_info_box_carousel’ );with the extra class “custom_sizes”
Well for Bakery this worked perfect, but with elementor it is no longer working. I added the extra class to “custom class” of the element.
Could you please offer me a way to make this work for elementor too?
Best regards from Germany,
iRomeKApril 13, 2021 at 9:15 am #282256
Elise NoromitMemberHello,
Please show the code you are using.
Best Regards
April 13, 2021 at 4:29 pm #282447
iRomeKParticipantHey guys,
well the code I pasted above?
This is the code in function php
function woodmart_shortcode_info_box_carousel( $atts = array(), $content = null ) { $output = $class = $autoplay = ''; $parsed_atts = shortcode_atts( array_merge( woodmart_get_owl_atts(), array( 'slider_spacing' => 30, 'dragEndSpeed' => 600, 'el_class' => '', ) ), $atts ); extract( $parsed_atts ); $class .= ' ' . $el_class; $class .= ' ' . woodmart_owl_items_per_slide( $slides_per_view ); $carousel_id = 'carousel-' . rand(100, 999); $parsed_atts['carousel_id'] = $carousel_id; if ( $el_class == 'custom_sizes' ) { $parsed_atts['custom_sizes'] = array( 'desktop' => 6, 'tablet_landscape' => 5, 'tablet' => 5, 'mobile' => 4, ); } $owl_atts = woodmart_get_owl_attributes( $parsed_atts ); ob_start(); ?> <div id="<?php echo esc_attr( $carousel_id ); ?>" class="woodmart-carousel-container info-box-carousel-wrapper woodmart-carousel-spacing-<?php echo esc_attr( $slider_spacing ); ?>" <?php echo ( $owl_atts ); ?>> <div class="owl-carousel info-box-carousel<?php echo esc_attr( $class ); ?>" > <?php echo do_shortcode( $content ); ?> </div> </div> <?php $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $output; } add_shortcode( 'woodmart_info_box_carousel', 'woodmart_shortcode_info_box_carousel' );
And this was the CSS class: custom_sizes I added in the widget at elementor.
Best Regards an thank you 🙂
April 14, 2021 at 9:18 am #282709
Elise NoromitMemberHello,
Please add this code to the function.php of the child theme:
function woodmart_elementor_infobox_carousel_template( $settings ) { $default_settings = [ 'content_repeater' => array(), // Carousel. 'speed' => '5000', 'slides_per_view' => [ 'size' => 4 ], 'slider_spacing' => 30, 'wrap' => '', 'autoplay' => 'no', 'center_mode' => 'no', 'hide_pagination_control' => '', 'hide_prev_next_buttons' => '', 'scroll_per_page' => 'yes', 'scroll_carousel_init' => 'no', 'custom_sizes' => apply_filters( 'woodmart_info_box_shortcode_custom_sizes', false ), ]; $settings = wp_parse_args( $settings, $default_settings ); $carousel_classes = ''; $wrapper_classes = ''; $settings['slides_per_view'] = $settings['slides_per_view']['size']; if ( isset( $settings['_css_classes'] ) && 'custom_sizes' === $settings['_css_classes'] ) { $settings['custom_sizes'] = array( 'desktop' => 6, 'tablet_landscape' => 5, 'tablet' => 5, 'mobile' => 4, ); } $carousel_classes .= ' ' . woodmart_owl_items_per_slide( $settings['slides_per_view'], array(), false, false, $settings['custom_sizes'] ); if ( 'yes' === $settings['scroll_carousel_init'] ) { woodmart_enqueue_js_library( 'waypoints' ); $wrapper_classes .= ' scroll-init'; } if ( woodmart_get_opt( 'disable_owl_mobile_devices' ) ) { $wrapper_classes .= ' disable-owl-mobile'; } $wrapper_classes .= ' wd-carousel-spacing-' . $settings['slider_spacing']; woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( 'owl-carousel' ); ?> <div class="wd-carousel-container info-box-carousel-wrapper<?php echo esc_attr( $wrapper_classes ); ?>" <?php echo woodmart_get_owl_attributes( $settings ); ?>> <div class="owl-carousel info-box-carousel<?php echo esc_attr( $carousel_classes ); ?>"> <?php foreach ( $settings['content_repeater'] as $index => $infobox ) : ?> <?php $infobox = $infobox + $settings; $infobox['wrapper_classes'] = ' elementor-repeater-item-' . $infobox['_id']; ?> <?php woodmart_elementor_infobox_template( $infobox ); ?> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> </div> <?php }
Best Regards
April 14, 2021 at 4:11 pm #282894
iRomeKParticipantHey Guys,
thank you very much. The class now works and in elementor view it counts right. So 4 slides for mobile.
Well at my iPhone 11 Pro I see 4,5 Slides. Even if I change mobile to 3 in the code my iPhone still shows 4,5.
It’s not working as expected but I still like it!
Thank you very much! 🙂
April 15, 2021 at 9:08 am #283128
Elise NoromitMemberHello,
Please provide the page URL with the problem.
Best Regards
April 15, 2021 at 9:09 am #283129
iRomeKParticipantsure. Here it is 🙂
Well as said, its not a problem. I looks good as I looks but I guess its not what you expect.
Thank you.
April 15, 2021 at 2:28 pm #283263
Elise NoromitMemberHello,
Do you mean the scrollbar? Please set OFF for Disable OWL Carousel script on mobile devices in the Theme Settings > Performance > JS.
Best Regards
April 15, 2021 at 3:20 pm #283284
iRomeKParticipantYou nailed it! Thank youuuu! 🙂
April 15, 2021 at 8:12 pm #283356
Elise NoromitMemberWe are always happy to help you, write to us when you have any difficulties or issues with our theme.
We would be grateful for 5 stars rate on http://themeforest.net/downloads in case you are satisfied with our theme and customer service
Thank you in advance
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