Looking to add clickable links to our images posted Information Boxes. We currently are using red styled buttons, but would like to have images direct to a url as well.
When you use a button in the Information box element, the button is clickable and the image is not clickable. When you leave the button text empty, the button does not appear and the image is clickable https://gyazo.com/4ea1d5686a6858766ea644d0f48a9131
Your explanation was understood, but my question is not regarding the button created for each item. My concern is the large image displayed for each service as shown in my attachment. I would like add a link to the image.
You are using the Information box. If you show the button, URL is assigned to the button, if you do not show the button the URL will be applied to the whole block. There is no option to add an URL to the image in the current configuration.
Alternatively, you can create a template of rows and columns and use a single image with a link, text block or custom header or both and button.