For some reason my instagram feed isn’t showing my images any more and it was working just fine yesterday. Can you please let me know what the issue is and how to moving forward with it? I attached an image of my screen showing the images are not displaying properly however, when I hover over the images I can still click a link.
I followed your steps and still instagram feed isn’t showing up even after me doing a manually cache flush. Can you please check it out and let me know?
I don’t use any cache plugin, I was just saying I clearing my browser cache and still don’t see any change to the instagram feed. So what’s the next step?
Ya because it wasn’t working so I removed it, but I just added it back and don’t see it. Here is the homepage and should appear as such under the content where it says “follow us on instagram”
Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and it would work, then activate one by one checking the issue to detect which one causes the problem.