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Instagram photos too large

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  • #432696


    Hello Guys,

    I did the integration with Instagram Api and Added the instagram api block on elementor. The image is too large, how can I resize the image? There is a photo Size place but it is not working.

    Could you help me?

    Thank you



    Sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Kindly, please share your Site WP-ADMIN Login details in the Private Content field so that we can check these concerns on your Site and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards



    Hi Aizaz,

    how are you?

    I’m not feel very comfortabel to share admin passwords, I will send to you the website link. Do you think in another way to solve the problem?

    Thank you




    do you have any ideia how to solve this?

    Thank you



    Sorry, but we had asked for the Login details to get a better idea of the situation along with their options.

    But if you are hesitant enough to share them, then please try using the below Custom CSS code and paste it to Dashboard >> Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> Global CSS section:

    .instagram-picture .wrapp-picture:after, .instagram-picture .wrapp-picture :is(a,img) {
        object-fit: contain ;
        height: 20em ;

    In this CSS, the object-fit will make the image container to make the Image contained in it and height will then adjust the Image size according to the container. You can change the value of the height property here according to your choice.

    Hope this works out for you!

    Best Regards



    Thank you for the CSS code, but unfortunately didn’t have the expected result, the image decrease the size, but the square keep in the same size like you could see in the link bellow.

    My ideia is to have the same size as this demo site



    Did you try out the Photo size option of the Instagram element being used on your Site?

    See this image for reference: https://snipboard.io/nYMVOu.jpg

    In this Photo Size input, you can write: thumbnail, medium, large or full (any of the one) to have your choice of size for the Images that best suits you.

    The Demo link that you have shared as a reference has a medium size defined for it.

    Best Regards



    Yeah, it was the first option that I tried, but thumbnail, medium and large didn’t change anything, my page builder is elementor.



    I deleted the images from the wordpress gallery, so now, I can’t see the images on the widget and the size still big.

    Could you help me with that?



    Can you please share the WP admin login details of your site so I will check and solve the issue? The image size will change depending on the image loading per row: https://ibb.co/TYSHTzL

    Best Regards.



    The image loading per row is they for what I want. Thank you so much!

    Only to understand what the “Photo size option” do?



    It will change the quality of images to load, if the image is 1900×720 then is you want to show the image small in size to load quickly then you use the thumbnail, medium, or large, it will change the quality according to the size you mention.

    Best Regards.

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