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Invalid value posted for Size

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  • #190358



    I sell sandals on my shop. I have 3 different type of sizes (Women Size, Men Size, Kid Size) which I use for variations on my products.
    I Use the WPML plugin in order to have my store in two languages English (main) and Greek (second language).

    When a customer is visiting a product page on Greek translation and try to add any product to cart they get an error “Invalid value posted for Women Size” (Women Size is the name of my attribute.

    This was not happening in the past. I recently updated your theme to 4.6 version and I got this error. I update from version 4.4.0 to version 4.6.0 so I cannot tell if this was happening on other versions (4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2).

    I have switched to Storefront theme and it works as it should.
    I also tried to change to parent theme: Did not worked.
    Disabled all plugins and enabled them one by one: Did not helped.

    Even if I have the minimum plugins installed (Woocommerce and WPML Multilingual CMS) + Your Theme I get the same error.


    Artem Temos


    Your clone website seems to be broken and we can’t see anything there. Are you able to provide us your FTP access to the website where we can check this? And keep all external plugins temporarily turned off.

    Kind Regards



    First of all the site is not BROKEN! Just visited it and all works fine.

    Below you can find the FTP credentials.
    You also have credentials to disable any plugin you like.
    I cannot make changes on my main site because it is a live site.
    So everything must be made on clone site!



    Artem Temos

    Try to enable this option in WPML https://prnt.sc/s795qw



    It looks like it works. Thanks.


    Artem Temos

    You are welcome.

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