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Issue with Visual Composer not working on product pages

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  • #84461


    Hi, I am having issues getting Visual composer to work with my product pages on my website. I made a clone of the website here.. http://betterdoor-product-page-clone.flywheelsites.com/shop/weathersealing/endura-low-wick-pe650-weatherstrip

    Visual Composer will not work on product pages and HTML blocks. It does not even show on the backend of the site when I try to edit it. I am assuming it could be a plugin conflict with the theme, but if you could tell me what you think, that would be great. Thank you



    Navigate to WP Bakery Page Builder (visual composer) > Role Manager and enable http://prntscr.com/l9awng

    Best Regards



    I have already done this. Every checkbox is selected for the admin role and editor role. Can you please let me know and other foxes for this. Thanks



    The access you have provided only shows the front end site. Please provide you admin access in private area so that I could check.

    Best Regards






    WP Bakery Page builder works on product http://prntscr.com/l9eufx and http://prntscr.com/l9euxo

    WP Bakery Page builder is applied in the long description, the short description is not supported.

    Best Regards

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