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Issues with CSS

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  • #359550


    Hey – 1st of all Great theme 🙂

    I’m creating an E-commerce site and I have a few issues:
    1 – something is wrong with the CSS, sometimes when i go from one page to another the “New” label color is changing to the default, and i need to refresh the page to get it fixed (I have disabled the caching plugin – still didn’t solve the problem)

    2 – I am trying to add some features below the page title -like text and icons, and I can’t seem to find the template file i need to alter, can you please direct me ?

    I Have sent images ,videos and Login details.

    Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Udigital.

    Bogdan Donovan


    1. Your label custom code didn’t have specificity to overweight our theme styles in all possible conditions. Try to increase its specificity by adding an additional tag or class.

    Try to replace:

    body .product-label.new

    2. To add a description to the product category use a specific area in the Product => Categories => Desired category (https://prnt.sc/Pz7aY33smn8j). You can use HTML block shortcodes to insert content created with page builders.

    Kind Regards

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