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Issues with WooCommerce Show Single Variations Plugin

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  • #143262


    My shop is still under development. I am going to be drop-shipping ties from AliExpress. The stores on AliExpress group multiple ties together that have nothing to do with each other. They are not the same pattern with different colors etc. I am using a plugin AliBuilder

    to import the products. Because the products are not similar I am hiding the fact that it is a variable product using the WooCommerce Show Single Variations plugin by Iconic.

    The plugin puts each variation in the catalog separately. This is a catalog page.

    On each product of this page, the Quick-View does not work, it gives a blank screen. Also the Buy Now button on the bottom of the product is not working right. The Buy Now is adding the proper product to the cart but the animated cart image is covering up the Buy Now text.

    On the home page

    if you scroll down on the left side, I have the variable product “Luxurious 100% Silk Ties.” The Quick-View works as well as the Buy Now cart animation.

    How can I get it to work properly with a single variation?



    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme, check the products, if the problem remains, create a product and check the created not imported product.
    The reason may be in the incorrect or not relative product import

    Best Regards



    Fixed your login. It is not working. I am using main theme not child. deactivated all plugins that are not required except WooCommerce Show Single Variations by Iconic.

    Created a variable product from scratch called test. The problems with Quick-View and Add To Cart explained above are still happening.

    Please go to this page

    The products on top of the page “test red”, “test blue” “test yellow” and “test green” are variations of the product test manually created.

    The main product is

    The products do not work with quick view and the add to cart is weird.



    We have checked and Add to cart is working properly. As for the Quick view, it would not work with the plugin WooCommerce Show Single Variations by Iconic. You will have to decide: this plugin or quick view.

    Best Regards



    Is there any way to put something in the child theme to make it work?


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but we don’t have a code for such purpose.

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