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Latest delay JS option with WP Rocket

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  • #304734



    Have you tested latest delay JS option as newly updated with WP Rocket?

    It works incredible good and my site now with 50 plugins loads in 800ms BUT it has costed me the display of images until users interact with page.

    I am using lazy loading, and need to exclude all necessary JS used to display images when users move from page to page as it is very annoying to visit single products and no image show up until i move my mouse or touch the screen.

    So then my question is, which JS files do i need to exclude from the delay option, to show the images as before?



    Artem Temos


    As we can see, you have combined all JS files on your website now. In this case, you need to exclude the following files


    Kind Regards



    Hello and thanks, but it was not that simple as i ofcourse got lots of undefined jQuery so i had to exclude as following to get rid of the js errors:


    But then another error appeared:
    Uncaught TypeError: e.stick_in_parent is not a function

    There is dependicies all the way.. The above error which js file needed for that?
    But i am just afraid that this will just cause another error.



    Artem Temos

    You have all our JS files combined in combine.min.js file. So when you exclude it then all its dependencies have to be excluded as well. In fact, all JS libraries have to be excluded. Otherwise, you might try to disable Combine JS option and exclude only lazy loading JS file.



    Tried to disable the combined JS option but with no luck, for every JS i did exclude there was another error. So i again combined JS and now just deactivated lazy loading which fixed the problem.

    It now loads the main image instantly so users will see the image as soon as single product is loading. The gallery is still delayed due to the delay option but that is not any big problem.

    Done lots of tests again with pagespeed and gtmetrix and none of them complaints about images not lazy loaded, and it also gave me 4-500 ms faster page loading.

    But still wierd issue i did mention some weeks ago, pagespeed mostly loads site without any styling, tested from several location and 90% of all tests loads no style for site. Also https://web.dev/measure/ has problems, mostly i get error: TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. But all other known test-systems returns all green and 94/100 score.

    Anyway, i am satisfied with the settings now, works just great without lazyloading. Could ofcourse get 200ms better page loading, but 900 to 1,2sec should be ok. And pagespeed 80/99.



    Artem Temos


    We are glad that you have high results in PSI. But we still don’t see any problems with fetching your website by google https://gyazo.com/959359da97901cced470c499ffcc732e

    Kind Regards

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