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Layout mobile bug After update 6.3.2

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  • #366651

    Bogdan Donovan


    You have disabled the following column on mobile via WPBakery responsive options (https://prnt.sc/AhUOLIf3VTR8). Enable it first, and check again.

    Kind Regards



    Hi Bogdan!
    Thanks for your help..

    I have already tried what you have described to me but unfortunately if I enable the visualization you can see a Large White Space between the Header and the Body of the Shop page .. (See Video Attachment)

    This is not good..

    I also tried to change the various margins … with decent results, But the problem is that the sidebar varies according to the content that is loaded and consequently also the length varies and as soon as something changes you see again badly between Header and Body Shop.

    While this problem Without enabling the Layout does not.

    can you fix this Layout bug? It would be perfect!

    Let me know..
    I’ll wait here!


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    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    .wpb_column.wd-side-hidden {
    	position: fixed !important;

    We will fix it in the next update.

    Best Regards



    Great Elisa !!

    Well done!
    Thank you so much for your help!

    It is a pleasure to work with you!

    I entered the code you gave me, now it works fine.

    If you insert the fix in the next update, do I have to delete the code entered? or everything remains unchanged?

    Thanks Elisa!



    You are welcome! We are here to help.

    Wish you a wonderful day!

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