I have noticed that when you are looking at some products (on product pages) and you click to go to “Next Page”, the screen refreshes with the same products and then a couple of seconds later it shows the next page.
This is visible when I load all products, when under the products appear several pages, every next button >
first reload the same page (loading and loading) and after 1-2 seconds appear new page.
The problem seems to be caused by your server performance. Our AJAX requests have a timeout of 5 seconds and if they don’t get a response from the server in this time the page will be loaded in a natural way. You need to fix your server response time or disable AJAX shop option in Theme Settings -> Shop.
It’s up to you whether you improved the server performance, or disable the AJAX functionality in shop.
If you disable the AJAX shop from theme settings, then your page simply load on pagination and you did not face that behavior any more that first it try to load with Ajax and after that it refresh the page. So it’s better to simply disable the Ajax.