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Log in buttons

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  • #132929


    Good day,
    I am using basel theme with “Basic full import”. I can see there is a Log in form on my site (display: fixed), but I can’t see any log in button on header (where I suppose it should be). Plus I can see “My account” on mobile menu.
    How could I enable login Button on header?
    Thanks in advance



    By default, this header layout doesn’t have Login/Register link. But you can add it manually placing the following code snippet to the functions.php file in the child theme.

    add_filter( 'basel_header_configuration', 'basel_custom_header_configuration', 1, 1 );
    function basel_custom_header_configuration() {
    	return array(
    		'container' => array(
    			'wrapp-header' => array(
    				'right-column' => array(
    		'navigation-wrap' => array(
    			'container' => array(

    Best Regards



    Good day sir,

    Will you be kind to guide me on how to create child theme. I have check the documentation section “Child themes” and this is what I have done.
    1. Create new folder basel-child
    2. copy the function.php
    3 add the new code you have send me

    Probably I have done something wrong because I still can see the the log in on header.

    Thank you in advance



    Find the ready child theme in the theme folder of the Themeforest, install and activate, enter the ready functions.php and insert the code.

    Best Regards



    Alright this works! And how will I move all this icons section on the black Top Bar where the menu is(Αρχική Blog). I mean exchange this menu with login icon, search, cart etc.?



    There is no option to move them. It will require more complicated customization which is not covered by our support.

    Best Regards



    Good day sir,

    Thank you very much! I will compromise with the current position!

    Have a nice day!


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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