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Logo in header not centered (horizontal)

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  • #557951


    how can I center the logo in the header?

    See attached screenshots of the settings. If I change the Row flex layout to the “flex – centered – flex” the menu item Search is right next to the centered logo.

    Kind regards,

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    Luke Nielsen


    Here is our article with more details about those settings, please check – https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/header-rows-flex-layouts-2/

    In case you have additional questions, let me know.

    Kind Regards


    I checked the documentation. After reading that, it seems as a bug to me. Or why is the search menu item directly on the right from the logo and all other menu items are right aligned?


    Luke Nielsen


    The thing is that you use a menu with 1 item to show the “My Account” so the entire menu is stretched to the full width to align internally.

    So I suggest you define the “Account” element with the “Only text” value – https://prnt.sc/Ppe9aSSj01mW, either use the code below to override the styles.

    .xts-header-main .xts-nav-wrapper {
        flex: none;

    Kind Regards

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by Luke Nielsen.

    Hey Luke,

    yes, in the meanwhile it was only the account – true. I changed it to your recommended way and it works.

    I only have the font color problem on the search and My Account on the default header (Header Overlap – start page and everything else) and the shop page (Main Header):

    This is accorded to the changes here: https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/how-to-change-font-color-of-the-header-when-hovering-the-section/

    See loom and temporary login in extra information, please.

    Could you please provide a css that it looks fine on both headers? šŸ™‚


    Luke Nielsen


    Add the below code for help – https://prnt.sc/ag7inhaxsfVN:

    body:not(.single-product, .woocommerce-shop) .xts-header:not(.xts-sticked):hover .xts-header-el-label {
        color: #1a1a1a
    body:not(.single-product, .woocommerce-shop) .xts-header.xts-sticked  .xts-header-el-label {
        color: #1a1a1a

    Result – https://gyazo.com/d97ed6c841db3a6ace2ce59e0d4e5d5e

    Kind Regards


    Thank you, that works fine!


    Luke Nielsen


    Great! In case you need any additional help, Iā€™d be more than happy to assist you.

    Wish you all the best.

    Kind Regards


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