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Lots of bugs with update

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  • #83998


    Instagram widget in the footer is not working.
    The Woocommerce Ship Station plugin breaks the site if woocommerce is deactivated. WordPress Store locator stopped working. So may things. Can you please help?



    Also, why are my Cart, account, wishlist etc pages all dark when the dark mode is off?


    Artem Temos


    As we can see, the Instagram widget works correctly in the footer https://gyazo.com/1d6158080d830851a53a69806fd718b6
    Cart page is dark because you set the dark color for background in Theme Settings https://gyazo.com/ac10d11523e67e48d4157854b9757a68




    I’m sorry. I made a mistake. The correct url is https://gbsstaging.wpengine.com that is the old version before the update. And what about this? “The Woocommerce Ship Station plugin breaks the site if woocommerce is deactivated.”

    Thank you for the help πŸ˜€


    Artem Temos

    β€œThe Woocommerce Ship Station plugin breaks the site if woocommerce is deactivated.”
    You need to contact plugin’s developers with this question since we provide a support for our theme only.

    This website works well for us too https://gyazo.com/0b5ee6b257b4cf54c26ae8d3c1de69fe



    I can see that widget is now working. I will contact the plugin developer. How can I save this so that I don’t have to replace it every time I update?

    * Class for page content container
    * @return mixed
    public function get_main_container_class() {

    $class = ‘container’;

    // Different class for product page
    if( woodmart_woocommerce_installed() && is_singular( ‘product’ ) && !get_query_var( ‘edit’ ) ) {
    $class = ‘container-fluid’;

    // Different class for product category page
    if( woodmart_woocommerce_installed() && is_product_category() ) {
    $class = ‘container-fluid’;

    // Different class for shop page
    if( woodmart_woocommerce_installed() && is_shop() ) {
    $class = ‘container-fluid’;

    return $class;




    Also, How can I add the track order page to the My Account menu in the header?


    Artem Temos

    Unfortunately, public methods from our theme’s PHP classes can’t be overridden in the child theme.

    Here is an article that will help you create track order page https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/order-tracking-form/



    Ok, so is there a better option to make the container class container-fluid?

    I already have the Order Tracking Page. I need to add the item to the My Account menu in the header builder. It doesn’t allow me to add any items they are fixed. For example
    Dashboard, Orders, Downloads, Addresses, Payment Methods, Etc. I would Like to add the Track Order Page Item to this menu.

    I am also having the Error on Instagram again. Instagram did not return a 200. Please advise.



    Also, How can I add a button popup to the top menu?



    Sorry, I meant more than one. I have the newsletter. I would like to add the contact popup to that link. Is there a class like for newsletter?


    Artem Temos


    1. It would be much easier to change that container width with CSS or just set your website width custom in Theme Settings -> General layout.

    2. Here is an article that should help you edit your account menu https://rudrastyh.com/woocommerce/my-account-menu.html

    3. It seems that you set a wrong link to your instagram account.

    4. Your last question is not quite clear, please, explain a bit more.

    Thank you



    Thank you! I will look at the link. Will it also show up in the menu version you guys have in the header builder?

    For my last point and mentioning the header builder… I would like to make the contact us link popup a contact form just like the newsletter. I have the HTML Block created. Is there a class I can add to the menu item like the newsletter to trigger it? I tried to add a HTML block in the builder and everything got screwed up.

    Thank you!


    Artem Temos

    Yes, it should be displayed in the header as well.

    Unfortunately, there is only one custom class for the menu and it shows our promo popup woodmart-open-newsletter




    Ok, so what is the best way to add the contact form popup in the header like that?

    Also https://gbsstaging.wpengine.com if you scroll down to where you see the product with the popover buttons, the one on the bag is showing some HTML. Can you tell me why?



    Also, how can I add compare the compare feature to the menu?


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but our theme doesn’t have additional options for popups buttons in the menu as well as the compare plugin doesn’t have the compare feature for the menu.



    So there is no way to do the second popup in the menu?

    What is the compare plugin?

    Also, what about the HTML in the Hotspot for the bag on the home page?



    You cannot add two popups into the menu. You can create the popup in HTML block and insert the element nearby the menu.

    Best Regards



    hi there, still waiting for a reply on this:

    https://gbsstaging.wpengine.com if you scroll down to where you see the product with the popover buttons, the one on the bag is showing some HTML. Can you tell me why?


    Also here: why is it that when I click the color attr the images a blurry? I have hi-res images on the site.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Please provide the screen for HTML code I cannot catch the problem https://gyazo.com/bcf2674d4c3fb2b7dddfdd632293e625

    As for the blur images, update to the recent version this incompatibility has been fixed.

    Best Regards



    Hello ! It is on the hotspot image of the bag. Please see the screen shot. You scrolled past it in your demo.


    I will try the update

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Enter the product which is referred to in the image spot and remove all the HTML from the short description.

    As you see this product does not have any problems http://prntscr.com/ld84ho

    Best Regards



    I will try this. I just updated woocommerce and the them broke. Please fix this immediately.



    I had to restore to a backup. Updating woocommerce should not break the theme. This is unacceptable.

    Also, per my other query: the HTMLon the product hotspot, there is no HTML in the description. Similarly, I cannot toggle between visual and text in the editing page area. Something is wrong in the theme.



    Artem Temos


    Please, describe to us your problems in a bit more details. Attach some screenshots and provide us with a list of steps on how to reproduce it on your website.

    Also, disable all plugins that are not related to our theme so we can check it asap.

    Thank you in advance.



    Hi no problem. For woocommmerce, when I updated to the latest version, my site just crashed. There was a white screen and I couldn’t even log in. I contacted my hosting company WP Engine and they tried switching the theme it was ok. I had to restore to a previous backup.

    As for the other HTML issue, on the homepage of the website there is a section that has a image hotspot. On the hotspot of the bag it’s self, when you hover it is showing HTML. There is no HTML in the editor.

    Here is how to reproduce:
    1. Navigate to: https://gbsstaging.wpengine.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=11682&action=edit
    2. Notice that there is no HTML in the editor area
    3. Try to click on visual or text and see that you cannot change.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    In most cases updating Woocommerce and our theme does not cause any problems. Your site works incorrectly https://gyazo.com/f82dc0ee4ab20c8685c10e7ec2689fa4 It may be due to plugins or your customizations.

    In order to view if there is an HTML code I need to switch to text mode and I cannot.

    Try to deactivate all the plugins and remove your customization code.

    Best Regards



    That is what I was telling you. There is no code customization. It is just this theme. All of the customizations are in the theme settings. You have admin access. You can go in and try to see what the issue is causing that. If I switch themes, I can edit it properly.


    Artem Temos

    Currently, our theme is active and working correctly https://gyazo.com/ff4c3cd865244d989c2781b1cb33ffe2
    What should we do to reproduce the issue?

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