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Mailchimp for wordpress & Cart Remove Mobile

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  • #58938


    Hi guys, just want to say I really love the template. Nearly got it ready for production.

    Just have a couple technical things I need fixing and help with.

    Mailchimp for wordpress:

    – Is it possible to get the subscribe form to appear on the header banner. Doesn’t seem to work atm.

    Also would like to get a banner underneath the menu with the subscribe form as well.


    – On mobile on the right hand cart, is it possible, to make the X bigger to remove items as it’s too small currently to press.

    PixelSIte Pro:

    – My production site uses pixel site pro. Will this work on the wood mart template?

    Once again awesome job on the template. Looks amazing!



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and contacting our support.

    1/ Please add this CSS into Theme Settings > Custom CSS in order to increase close icon in sliding cart:

    .widget_shopping_cart .remove:after {
        font-size: 12px;

    No, subscribe form works in popup, it is not possible to show it just in top banner.

    We have not texted pixel site pro on our theme.

    Best Regards

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