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Main image product zoom not working on some products

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  • #125430



    I have a problem with the zoom on mouse hover. It doesn’t work on some products and I can’t figure out why.
    You can see below a video of two product pages, one where it works and one where it doesn’t (you can see in the inspect panel that the one without zoom is missing the img class zoomImg).

    Can it be the size of the images that is causing the problem?

    The size of the images with models are 640/960px and the size of the table top product images is 1000/1500px. In the product page where the zoom works, the main product image is of the larger size (1000/1500px), but the gallery images are 640/960px and they still have a slight zoom.
    Why doesn’t the slight zoom appear on the page with only 640/960px size images?

    If I click on the magnifying glass it zooms in a bit too, so only the hover is not working.



    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme, check the issue, if the problem remains, leave the plugins not activated and provide the site admin access to the private area

    Best Regards



    I’ve deactivated all the plugins unrelated to the theme and switched to the parent theme and the problem is still there. I didn’t deactivate the bluehost plugin because that is how I log into wordpress.
    Can you look into it please?



    One more thing, I’ve noticed a problem with the thumbnails of the image gallery, the ones on the left.
    When there are more, and the user needs to navigate with the down arrow, it jumps back to the top after the user presses on a thumbnail. This makes it hard to use because if you want to look at the last pictures, you always have to click the down arrow, after clicking on a thumbnail, to get back to where you were.

    I’ve linked a video in private so you can see what I mean.



    I have checked a few products and do not see the problem https://gyazo.com/e860dfcfa9d9176623c93a25bfb78536

    Please provide the product page URL with the problem.

    As for the thumbnails, this is the way the gallery work, it cannot be changed.

    Best Regards



    Yes, the socks products are among the ones that work. The products that have problems are those that have images with people in them. I’ve added links in the private tab.



    Please have a look at the screen http://prntscr.com/ntkl08 it is too small, try to upload 1000×1500 at least and check.

    Best Regards



    Ok, but then why is it zooming in on this product: https://carilo.ro/product/chilot-clasic-set-3-buc-uniconf/
    As you can see the 2nd and 3rd images are also 640/960 and they have a slight zoom.



    This image is 1000×1500 that is why it works well. http://prntscr.com/ntt0de

    Best Regards



    yes, I know that the main product image is 1000×1500. I was talking about the 2 images from the gallery of that product, with the girl, which are 640×960. Why do those have a zoom?
    Here is a screenshot highlighting the image dimensions https://prnt.sc/nttm0x
    As you can see, the zoom function works here.



    640×960 is not enough for zoom. Upload 1000×1500

    Best Regards

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