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Main menu, Ship link to have a product same as in the demo

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  • #2765


    Hi Guys,

    i need you help, i have read trough the documents as to how to configure the template, i want to have the same “Shop” sub menu as on the demo, where i can see a product next to the sub menu items.

    I tried to add a sub menu under the “shop” link and this is fine, but i want to add a product in the sub menu but i can not add this.

    I tried to add a HTML block, but i can not seem to add Shortcode of a product, i did not see how you add a product, could you please help me?


    Artem Temos


    Thank you for the question.

    Read this reply that we already posted to the similar question http://xtemos.com/forums/topic/how-to-set-menu-to-megamenu-like-your-demo-pages/#post-2607 it should help you.




    Hi Again,

    thanks for the info, i need some help on the shop page (http://www.theuniformstudio.com/demo/shop). When you get to this page, i would like to show the user all products within the shop. currently is showing me the categories.




    Artem Temos


    You can change this option in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Products -> Display -> “Shop Page Display”




    thanks that done it!

    also, on my products on the shop, how do i add the compare icon, then you hover on the product?

    and on the product details screen (http://www.theuniformstudio.com/demo/shop/shirts/grandad-collared-shirt-male) when you hover on the color, how can add show the name of the colour, as you can on the shop page (http://www.theuniformstudio.com/demo/the-shop).


    Artem Temos

    Are you able to update the theme to the latest version where bug with the tooltip was fixed?
    As for compare icon just install this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/yith-woocommerce-compare/



    Ok thanks for the info, i will double check as i did get the latest code a few weeks ago.

    i have noticed that on the ‘quick view’ screen the social icons seems to be a share version not a follow, how do i change this as i have already updated the theme social icons.


    Artem Temos

    You will be able to override this function in your child theme functions.php file to change quick view social buttons after our next theme update (probably in a few days)

    	function basel_product_share() {
    		echo '<span class="share-title">' . __('Share', 'basel'). '</span>';
    		echo basel_shortcode_social( array( 'type' => 'follow', 'align' => 'left', 'size' => 'small' ) );



    ok, now i can only see 3 thumbnail images for the product details page, i would like to show 4.5 images, or make the height same as the main image, how do i do that?



    also, on the blog images, how can i insert a images that will go fill width, if you look at http://www.theuniformstudio.com/demo/ i have insert a large image, but it does not fill the .entry-thumbnail width. the image is always shown as a 300px X 118px


    Artem Temos

    1.At the moment there is no option to change this number. And the only one way to change it is to modify file basel/woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php. Change lines:

    slidesToShow: 3,
    slidesToScroll: 3,

    2. You can configure you blog images sizes in Settings -> Media. Then regenerate all thumbnails.



    ok that worked, thanks for the help.


    Artem Temos

    Great, you are welcome.



    Hi XTEMOS,

    Quick question, on my shop page (http://www.theuniformstudio.com/demo/the-shop) i have filter by size, how can i change the list so that the size number are list ascending? or can i use a custom listing?

    Also, i want to change the “Coupon” text to “Promo code”, is that possible?


    Artem Temos


    1. You can change your sizes order in Dashboard -> Products -> Attribues -> edit terms and simply drag & drop them.

    2. You can do this via POT translations files. We suggest you to watch this video tutorial that shows how to do it with Loco Translate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAFq1yTfWfU


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