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Manually change best sellers, featured and sales product in homepage

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  • #251097



    can i know is there anyway for me to Manually change best sellers, featured and sales products displayed in the homepage ? Because some of the items displays there i need to remove them from displaying on homepage

    Thank you



    You can try changing the data source for the ajax products tabs according to your needs by editing them by editing the homepage.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://prnt.sc/w35gs2

    Xtemos Studios.



    Thanks mate šŸ™‚


    Most Welcome!!!.

    Iā€™m so happy to hear you are pleased with the Theme and Support. XTEMOS strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to hear we have accomplished that.

    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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