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menu button in my header

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    Hello friends, I have a question, I am trying to put a menu button in my header and I am wondering how I can give it a little style, since in the configurations offered by the theme it does not exist yet.

    I would like it to be dark blue in its rest state and light blue in hover.

    So far I can only get it to be white in rest and light blue in hover.

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    Luke Nielsen


    You can adjust the button in its settings – https://prnt.sc/jreGpH5Mtu4f

    Let me know if you have any additional questions.

    Kind Regards



    You know, this is not an option that is present in the header builder, at least I do not find it. Yes, I see in the design in vuerpo of any page, but not in the Header, where this button is also the result of a menu item.

    I think you have not read carefully or have given true importance to my concern

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    Luke Nielsen


    This style – https://prnt.sc/djvcKDuKUYkN is related to the hover, on your side that hover style works well – https://prnt.sc/uwopiUzjG-e_

    I suggest you define the “Button” element in the header – https://prnt.sc/jGOUGi319KVc and adjust its styles per your needs via its settings.

    Kind Regards



    Cool, thanks


    Luke Nielsen


    You are welcome! If you ever want to discuss things further, we’re here for you. Do not hesitate to reach out to us and let us know about your issue.

    Have a good day.

    Kind Regards

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