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Menu item not showing properly

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  • #162317


    Hello, I bought your theme and it loooks fine, but I have one issue with main menu. I would like to use horizotal menu with custom icons, but some items are too close to each other. You can see it here rf.ceruza.sk



    First of all thanks for choosing our Theme, we are glad to be you in WoodMart WordPress family :-).

    If you want to increase the inner spacing between the main menu items. You can use the below CSS code in global custom CSS area under theme settings >> custom CSS.

    .whb-color-dark .navigation-style-default .item-level-0>a{

    If it still did not look as you expected after using this CSS code. Then share your admin login credentials I will check the spacing and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.



    Thank you for your response. I used the css you sent me, but its still not working fine. Even with 20px left margin the items are overlapping. Isn’t there any other solution?


    Most Welcome,

    Yes,You can define your custom class in the menu item and then you can hit that class to change the menu spacing. In this way items will not overlapped.

    If you did not know how to define a class and how to write the custom CSS class. Then just share your admin login credentials. I will do it for you.

    Best Regards.



    Thank you, I think I will be apble to set custom css class to make the item as wide, as I need, so that will help. I have one more issue. When I try to filter products (for example here https://rf.ceruza.sk/kategoria-produktu/dizajnove-stolicky ) the page realoads and it leaves my chosen category and shows results from whole shop, even the header title and subcategories will change. Is it possible to set the filter in the way it would show only products in current category? Thanks.


    Most Welcome,

    I’m glad that you fix the first issue, you are the best.

    I have test your filters which exists on your provided link. The shop filters working just fine the result displayed according to the selected filter.

    Video for clarification: https://jmp.sh/cpMKXHi

    Best Regards.



    Yes, it works, because I added there the category filter. But without it it didnt work.



    Yes, it works because you add category filter. If you think you can filter the products except of selecting some specific category then of course it will display the result from the whole shop not from the current category,

    Best Regards.


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