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Menu Page's Original Link

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  • #58471


    Hi, In the Appearance > Menus > Main Navigation > Featured > Original ,

    There is a default link – Original: Featured Products2, How can I change the link(Featured Products2)?

    Please advise, thanks.

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    Original displays the page /category title which you add to menu. If you want to change the wording, enter this page/product/category and change the title.

    If this is not what you want, please give more details what you do step by step and what result you want to get

    Best Regards




    Sorry I am referring to change the link page not the page title.

    Now the “Featured” in top navigation is link to Original: Featured Products2, I want to change the “Featured” to link to another page instead of “Featured Products2”.

    Please advice, thanks.



    I would recommend to create new page with the proper link and replace. If you need to change page link itself, you can do it in page editing mode: http://prntscr.com/jk6bys

    Best Regards

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