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Menu text color and burger menu text

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  • #373669


    Hi guys,

    1. How can I change the menu text color?

    2. I want to add text ‘menu’ under the burger mobile menu. How can I do that?

    Thank you:)


    Luke Nielsen


    We’re thrilled that you’ve joined us, and we’re excited to serve awesome customers like you in any way we can.

    1. Text color of the main menu can be changed through Theme Settings -> Typography -> Advanced typography -> assign the “Main navigation links” from the dropdown and set its color.


    2. In order to show the “Menu” text on the mobile, please, enter this code to the “Custom CSS for mobile” area in Theme Settings -> Custom CSS

    .wd-header-mobile-nav.wd-style-text .wd-tools-text {
        display: block;

    If you ever need to reach out to me, please do not hesitate to do so.

    Kind Regards

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